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30 arrests made in Camden drug sting


Police conduct undercover operations everyday around the country. Many
times these operations are coordinated between a few law enforcement agencies.
When multiple people are arrested in police operations, it is possible
that some evidence in the case was not properly handled, or a person was
arrested on evidence that was not relevant to the crime they are accused
of committing.

According to a report, 30 people were arrested on drug charges this week
in Camden after police say they conducted sting operations in South Camden
City to crackdown on open-air drug markets. Camden County Police say that
many of the people who were arrested are from the suburbs of Camden who
allegedly came into the city to buy drugs. All 30 people were charged
with loitering to commit a controlled dangerous substance offense.

This charge could result in significant jail time and a fine if anyone
is convicted. The potential jail sentence is six months in prison, which
could affect a person’s ability to maintain their employment, pay
bills and provide for their families.

Sometimes when a person is accused of a crime, police improperly use evidence.
This evidence might be thrown out if it was altered or obtained illegally.
Speaking with an experienced New Jersey criminal defense attorney might
be a wise decision if a person is facing a drug crime arrest.

These charges alone can cause public embarrassment for a person and their
family. A conviction can result in real economic hardship and leave a
person unable to support their family.

Source: Patch, “Glouco Residents Arrested in Camden Drug Sting,” May 8, 2013


  • Drug Charges
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