Couple in New Jersey accused of fraudulent travel business
ByBrickfield & Donahue
Authorities have indicted two people in New Jersey for allegedly defrauding
consumers in a travel scam. According to reports, the couple was charged
with fraud related charges, including money laundering and conspiracy
after investigators say the two opened and closed businesses in New Jersey
without fulfilling services they promised to customers.
The two could face severe penalties if they are convicted, including up
to 20 years in prison and $1 million in fines. These charges alone could
ruin the couples reputations as business owners, and make it impossible
for them to find employment in their industry ever again.
Sometimes when a person runs a businesses, different things can go wrong
very quickly. Accounting errors, trusting the wrong people, and bad business
decisions can all influence a person’s decision to close a business
without notice. Depending on the situation, misunderstandings can sometimes
occur between businesses and their customers, and business owners might
be under increased scrutiny by authorities.
Because charges such as the fraud charges in this New Jersey case are so
severe, it might be wise for someone in a similar situation to speak with
an experienced criminal defense attorney. They can work with a person
to understand their case and guide them through the legal process. By
evaluating the evidence and how the investigation was conducted, an attorney
can help a person defend their rights and hopefully help preserve their
Even if a person has been charged or convicted of a crime in the past,
it is important that their rights are protected, and their previous legal
issues don’t result in their rights being overlooked.
Source: Associated Press, “New Jersey couple accused of running $700,000 travel
scam,” Rema Rahman, April 23, 2013
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