(201) 488-7707

Dentist facing fraud charges for alleged identity theft


The detrimental effect of just being charged with any form of criminal
allegation is something few people ever anticipate. The fallout from allegations,
however, whether they involve minor crimes, violent crimes or white collar
crimes such as embezzlement, fraud or identity theft, can be real. To
best address them, the wisest action anyone can take is contacting an
experienced criminal defense attorney for help.

As everyone likely knows, each person charged with a crime is innocent
until proven guilty. Each person facing accusations deserves to have their
rights protected to the greatest extent possible and this can be achieved
best by tapping the resources of a legal professional with experience
in criminal law.

What brings this to the fore at this particular time is the story of a
man in New Providence who has been arrested and is reportedly being held
on $75,000 bail. Authorities allege that this man is a formerly licensed
dentist who took on the name and license of another dentist who died of
natural causes in October of last year. The defendant in the case is now
charged with the white collar crimes of unlicensed practice of dentistry,
identity theft, and healthcare claims fraud.

Authorities claim that the man used the dead dentist’s identity and
licensure to exercise his dental training at clinics in four northern
New Jersey towns. Officials say they are still investigating to determine
what connection, if any, existed between the dead dentist, the dentist
who is alleged to have taken on his identity and the owners of the clinics.
There are no reports that patients were hurt.

To this point, the only side of the story that has been told is the one
from the government’s perspective. In our society, the way public
records are handled is such that it can give the government an upper hand
in pursuing their prosecutions of crime. Considering that, it is crucial
to seek legal help when facing criminal charges to ensure one’s rights
are fully protected.

Source: Summit Patch, “New Providence Dentist Accused of Using Deceased Dentist’s
Identity,” Oct. 4, 2012

  • The issues addressed in this post are of the kind handled by our firm.
    To learn more about our practice in this area, please visit our Bergen
    County fraud charge page.

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