(201) 488-7707

‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ campaign continues in New Jersey


Back in November we warned our readers about New Jersey law enforcement
campaigns to reduce drunk driving even by asking fellow residents to report
any possible violations they see. Those campaigns were in response to
historic patterns around the Thanksgiving holiday week.

In a statewide “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement campaign,
local police departments across the state were at it again in December.
Campaigns were begun around Dec. 14 that included a zero-tolerance attitude
and a number of DUI checkpoints. Although Christmas is over, the campaigns
certainly are not.

New Year’s Eve is just around the corner and local law enforcement
officials are well aware of the fact that most of these celebrations involve
if not center around alcohol. It is one of the most notorious days for
drunk driving arrests, and officials belief this year will be no different.
Many of the campaigns such as the one in neighboring Garwood will run
through Jan. 2, 2013 before concentrated efforts are lessened.

It is extremely important to note that the “zero-tolerance attitude”
means exactly what it sounds like; police are quick to charge anyone they
suspect are even a fraction over the .08 legal limit. Even the most conscientious
individuals cannot tell exactly what their blood alcohol level is without
the assistance of a personally-owned Breathalyzer test. Yet, the difference
between .079 and .081 could mean the difference between “continue
on your way” and “step out of the car.”

Source: Clark-Garwood Patch, “Garwood Police Participating in Drunk Driving
Crackdown,” Dec. 18, 2012

Our Bergen County law firm assists clients with DWI/DUI charges no matter
what the season or the circumstances.


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