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Drunk driving patrols to increase says New Jersey State Police


With a long weekend ahead for many American, there will undoubtedly be
some fun celebrations with family and friends. As with many holidays,
the New Jersey State Police says they will be increase patrols on the
highways and streets. As people head to and from friends houses, they
are more likely to be pulled over for speeding and drunk driving this weekend.

Police hope to catch drunk drivers, but sometimes these traffic stops happen
when a person isn’t actually drunk. Authorities might assume a person’s
mistake while driving is an indication that they might be intoxicated.
It is important that people who are pulled over for drunk driving understand
their rights. If a person is charged with drunk driving, it might be wise
for them to speak with a criminal defense attorney.

An experienced attorney can review a person’s case and make sure their
rights weren’t violated during the traffic stop or any investigation
that followed. If a person’s rights were violated, the charges against
that person might be dropped, depending on the circumstances, because
it might be hard for that person to receive a fair trial.

Forming a rigorous criminal defense can help a person defend their reputation
as well as prevent any consequences or penalties a person may pay for
a conviction. Sometimes if a person is convicted of drunk driving, they
might face more consequences than just those mandated by a judge. If a
person needs their license for work, they might face consequences or lose
their job. A misunderstanding or a minor traffic violation shouldn’t
be turned into a wrongful drunk driving charge.

Source: The Star-Ledger, “N.J. State Police to increase patrols over Labor Day weekend,” Christopher Baxter, Aug. 30, 2012

-People are often pulled over on holiday weekends. To learn more about
drunk driving charges defense, please visit our website.


  • Drunk Driving
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