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Local New Jersey bar raided after tip about underage drinking


Early this morning, New Brunswick police raided a bar near Rutgers University.
New Jersey law enforcement has been focusing on cracking down on establishments
that serve alcohol to minors. The program, called the College Initiative
enforcement program, is trying to decrease the number of underage drinking
violations throughout the state.

This recent raid led to criminal charges of underage drinking for several
individuals. There is no information as to whether the individuals charged
were students at the nearby University, but if they were the consequences
could extend beyond the legal penalties if they are convicted.

Apparently police were tipped off that there were a number of minors in
the bar being served alcohol. When the officers arrived at the bar, they
found 23 individuals considered minors who were drinking. In addition
to the underage drinking charges, several of the individuals were also
found with fake IDs. It is unclear what types of penalties these 23 individuals may face.

A conviction for underage drinking could negatively impact these individuals’
futures. It could make it more difficult for them to get into the school
of their choice or, if they are already in college, could impact their
opportunity to graduate. In addition, a criminal record can affect their
opportunities to get the job of their dreams.

Some may wonder how the minors were served alcohol in the first place.
Bars and other similar establishments are required to check identification
to make sure that the patron is of legal drinking age. Police also charged
two bartenders and the bar’s bouncer with selling alcohol to minors.
These three will also be facing certain penalties if they are convicted.

Source: NJ.com,
“New Brunswick bar near Rutgers University busted for serving to underage
Tom Haydon, 13 July 2011


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