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Man arrested for drug, paraphernalia charges in New Jersey


Understanding your rights can be a key in upholding your innocence after
an arrest. People in New Jersey sometimes face arrests under questionable
circumstances. They might be taken to a police station and questioned
by authorities. Many times, what a person tells the authorities can be
used against the person at trial.

A man was arrested Saturday in New Jersey for drug paraphernalia and marijuana
possession. These charges can result in jail time and may harm a person’s
reputation. The man was allegedly speaking with an officer, who then located
the drugs and paraphernalia in the man’s house. According to reports,
the man may have also had a warrant for his arrest.

Sometimes people aren’t aware of arrest warrants that may have been
issued, and they don’t understand what rights they have with letting
an officer into their house or opening a door for them. An experienced
criminal defense attorney can help a person evaluate the charges they
are facing and make sure their rights weren’t violated at any point
in the investigation or arrest.

If a person’s rights were violated, some evidence may be inadmissible
in court, or the charges might be reduced or dropped. It might be important
for a person to form a rigorous defense against charges such as drug possession,
because they could lead to difficulty finding a job in the future or denied
housing in some facilities. No matter what criminal charges a person might
be faced with, understanding one’s rights might be the first step
toward clearing their name of wrongdoing.

Source: New Jersey Herald, “Man arrested on drug charges,” Feb. 11, 2013

-Drug charges in New Jersey can hurt a person’s reputation. Please
visit our website to learn more about criminal defense.


  • Drug Charges
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