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Multiple people arrested in New Jersey town outside bar


What was to be a fun night, turned into a night of chaos in one New Jersey
town. Police were called and multiple people were arrested outside of
a New Jersey bar where crowds swelled to thousands of people. The incident
occurred after an event was sold out at the local bar.

The crown quickly got out of hand and people were arrested. Many of them
were charged with assault, although with all the chaos of the large crowd,
they may have been mistaken for other people by the police.

When big crowds of people are involved in fights, many times police just
try to separate people, and sometimes they arrest people who they think
are involved in a situation, when they actually are just bystanders. When
police are confused by a large crowd that gets out of hand, they may make
arrests of people who have done nothing wrong.

Assaults outside of bars do happen sometimes, but because of the large
crowd, police may have arrested the wrong people, as might have been the
case at this New Jersey bar.

The event was poorly planned and failed to contain and control the crowd
outside of the bar. This likely led to people getting upset after they
had too much to drink. The overconsumption of alcohol may have also led
to confusion in the crowd.

No matter what someone is arrested for, they may want to speak with a criminal
defense attorney to make sure their rights aren’t violated during
an investigation.

Source: Patch, “Police Describe Night of Drugs, Biting, and Assaults on Police
Officers,” Shelley Emling, March 30, 2012


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