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New Jersey doctor charged with felony prescription drug charges


A New Jersey doctor is facing serious drug charges after federal agents
performed an undercover investigation into her psychiatry practice.

Earlier this year, parents of some of her patients were concerned after
learning that the doctor had been over-prescribing the medication oxycodone.
Though the doctor has a valid license to prescribe this kind of drug,
the parents reported their suspicions to the police who then launched
the investigation.

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, the woman prescribed
oxycodone to an undercover agent posing as a patient even though there
was no medical reason to. Instead of performing an exam to determine whether
the patient needed the drug, the doctor allegedly wrote the prescription
in exchange for cash.

The doctor has pleaded not guilty to the drug charges, stating that she
would not prescribe oxycodone unless the patient needed it. However investigators
allege that she admitted to writing the prescriptions for her patients
without examining them or documenting the prescriptions. While she claims
that charges are unsubstantiated, she has had formal complaints lodged
against her in the past regarding prescription practices.

Given the seriousness of the charges, the doctor was released on a $1 million
dollar bail until her next court appearance. If she is convicted of the
crime, illegally prescribing a dangerous controlled substance, she could
be sentenced to 20 years in prison. Not only that, but she would not be
able to practice medicine again.

The information gathered in the undercover operation will likely be used
against her. It will be important for her to make sure she protects her
rights and mounts a good defense since she has pleaded not guilty.

Source: North Jersey: “84-year-old Wayne psychiatrist arrested on drug charges
is free on $1M bail,” Richard Cowen, John C. Ensslin and Matthew
McGrath, Aug. 16, 2011.


  • Drug Charges
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