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New Jersey Governor wants rehab for those convicted of drug crimes


Many times, people convicted of drug crimes are just convicted of the crime
of possessing or buying a certain drug. This means they are non-violent
offenders. These non-violent people often take up a large percentage of
the jails throughout the country, and don’t end up getting the help
they truly need to stop repeating an offense, while in jail.

Those who do commit drug crimes might benefit from a new proposal by New
Jersey Governor Chris Christie. The Governor has suggested that those
who are convicted of drug crimes be mandated to go through rehabilitation
instead of serving time in a state prison. This would help people who
are not able to stop using drugs and hopefully prevent them from getting
into further legal trouble. Regardless of whether the proposal is financially
or morally motivated, it could be a good thing for those facing drug crimes.

Drug crimes are serious offenses, and should never be taken lightly. Since
this proposal has yet to gain momentum toward becoming law, drug charges
could still result in significant jail time and expensive fines. By working
toward allowing offenders to serve a sentence through rehabilitation in
the future, many people will benefits

Because of the severity of drug crimes in New Jersey, it might be wise
to seek the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. An attorney
can help make sure your rights are preserved throughout the legal process.
A good attorney will make sure you are treated with respect and that prosecutors
and investigators don’t try to get you to say something that would
incriminate yourself.

Source: NorthJersey.com, “Christie: Mandatory rehab for non-violent
offenders would save NJ money,” Megan Demarco, Jan. 26, 2012


  • Drug Charges
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