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New Jersey man arrested, accused of pizzeria fraud


A man accused of enticing an investor for money to open a pizzeria was
arrested last week. The man was charged with fraud after investigators
say the man took $1.2 million to invest in starting a New Jersey pizzeria,
but used the money for other things instead. Authorities say the man used
the money to by luxury goods and gamble. These serious accusations could
lead to a long prison sentence and large fines if the man is convicted.

The severity of the crime is one reason to formulate a rigorous criminal
defense. However, because New Jersey fraud crimes can also ruin a person’s
business reputation, a person in a similar situation would be wise to
speak with a criminal defense attorney. When someone is in a business
management career, a fraud charge could make it very difficult to find
employment in the future.

Many times fraud charges come after authorities say they have done an extensive
investigation. It is important for people who are accused of a crime to
understand how the investigation was conducted and what evidence might
be presented against them. An attorney who has experience handling New
Jersey fraud cases can conduct an independent investigation and review
the evidence to make sure the accuse person’s rights were not violated.

Sometimes during lengthy investigations, evidence can be mishandled or
details are missed by authorities. If evidence is mishandled, it could
result in a wrongful conviction, so it is important to make sure a person’s
rights are protected. Understanding the legal process can help a person
fight charges and protect their reputation.

Source: Associated Press, “NJ man accused of running pizzeria scam,”
July 13, 2012


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