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New Jersey man charged with vehicular homicide and drunk driving


The consequences if convicted of a criminal offense can be far-reaching.
For someone who is charged with a crime such as drunk driving there are
often both legal and person in nature. Legal sanctions can include a loss
of driving privileges, high fines, and even prison sentences.

When the charge is filed against young driver, the consequences can seriously
impact his or her future. Not only could the driver face a long prison
sentence, but a conviction may make it more difficult to find future employment.
A young man from New Jersey may be spending the next 10 years in prison
if he is convicted of second-degree vehicular homicide, a charge that
resulted from a drunk driving incident.

Earlier this year, the young man was involved in a multi-vehicle accident
that left one driver dead and three others seriously injured. A blood
alcohol content test showed that the young man had been legally intoxicated
behind the wheel. When the investigation came to close, the young man
was charged with a number of offenses, including:

  • Vehicular homicide
  • Assault with an automobile
  • Reckless driving
  • Underage driving while intoxicated

For anyone facing serious criminal charges, the situation can be overwhelming
and frustrating at the same time. There may be a lot of questions about
the criminal justice system and what sorts of options are available. There
may also be some uncertainty surrounding the sorts of defense strategies
that could lead to the best possible outcome.

Whether young or old, if charged with a crime, it can help to speak with
someone who understands both the charges and the consequences. Criminal
charges are serious and can affect one’s future in many ways.

Source: Tri-Town News:
“Jackson man, 20, charged with vehicular homicide,” Sept. 2011


  • Drunk Driving
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