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New Jersey women charged with prescription drug crime


The federal Drug Enforcement Agency had been investigating two New Jersey
women for approximately one month after suspecting involvement in a drug
distribution ring. Just recently the two women were charged with the illegal
sale of prescription drugs in federal court.

Being charged with these types of drug crimes can be an overwhelming circumstance
for the accused individual. Even if the charges do not lead to a conviction,
the accused individual may still experience the negative effect of such
an allegation.

For the two New Jersey women, the charges allege that they planned on distributing
thousands of dollars of prescription drugs. According to the U.S. Attorney’s
office, the women are suspected of using blank prescription paper and
computer software to write fraudulent prescriptions. There is little information
as to where the women are suspected to have stolen the prescription pads
from or whether anyone else was involved.

Federal authorities did comment on what led up to the arrests. According
to the DEA, agents used information provided by a witness who had allegedly
purchased the prescription drugs from the women. The witness then told
the federal agents that the women were selling the drugs to others.

It is likely that the two women understand the seriousness of the charges
against them. If they are convicted of the charge, they could both be
spending the next 20 years in prison. Not only that, but they may be sentenced
to pay a $1 million fine.

While others may not find themselves in this exact situation, they could
be facing other types of drug charges. In any case, those suspected of
drug crimes should take steps to defend themselves and protect their rights.
Consequences from a conviction could have a negative impact on the rest
of their lives.

Source: The Star-Ledger:
“Twin sisters are charged with operating N.J. oxycodone distribution
David Giambusso, Aug. 31, 2011


  • Drug Charges
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