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Patrols in New Jersey focus on nabbing suspected drunk drivers


New Jersey drivers should be warned: if you thought that police patrols
would only be increased over the Labor Day holiday weekend, you may be
in for an unpleasant surprise. Starting last week, state and local law
enforcement will be on the roads in greater numbers, looking to pull over
drivers who are suspected of drinking and driving.

Drivers who are charged with drunk driving can expect a number of different
penalties. Even those who are considered first-time offenders may be ordered
to pay fines, attend substance abuse programs, or have their license suspended.

This increase in patrols is part of a nationwide crackdown on drunk drivers.
According to the NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety, there were more
than 160 deaths that resulted from alcohol-related accidents in 2010.

This particular initiative occurs each summer; the slogan is “Over
the Limit, Under Arrest.” Last year in New Jersey, there were 1,707
DWI arrests made due to the increased presence of police officers and
sobriety checkpoints. This number doesn’t even include the drivers
who were ticked for other traffic violations.

Even if a driver does not feel impaired behind the wheel, if they are pulled
over or stopped at a sobriety checkpoint and have a blood-alcohol content
level greater than the legal limit, they can be charged with drinking
and driving. Law enforcement is adamant about getting drunk drivers off
the road and deterring them from doing it again.

That means stiff penalties for drinking and driving. If faced with DUI
charges, it can be beneficial to speak with someone who understands DUI
charges and is not law enforcement. This can help a driver determine what
the next step should be while still protecting his or her rights. And
with increased patrols watching for impaired drivers over the next few
weeks, there may be more New Jersey residents who find themselves in this
very situation.

Source: NJ Today:
“Statewide Drunk Driving Clampdown Begins This Weekend,” Aug. 16, 2011.


  • Drunk Driving
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