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Two men charged with alleged fraudulent credit card use at New Jersey mall


Police are accusing two men of trying to use a fake credit card to buy
multiple iPads. The two are charged with numerous felony fraud charges
in New Jersey. Police say the two went to a Best Buy store and tried to
buy the iPads, where they were arrested and authorities allegedly found
seven fraudulent credit cards and a fraudulent license plate on their
car in the parking lot.

Now, both men will face a lengthy trial, and may face employment issues
even during the course of their trial. Criminal charges can tarnish a
person’s reputation and many times they can influence a person’s
employment status in a generally rough job market. Since these two men
are facing multiple charges and multiple counts, they might be sentenced
to increase penalties if they are convicted, making it important to have
a rigorous criminal defense.

Speaking with an attorney can help ensure a person’s rights are protected.
Many times in fraud cases, police and authorities will conduct a lengthy
investigation. During the course of an investigation all proper procedures
must be followed. Sometimes police make mistakes or gather evidence in
unlawful ways. This evidence might adversely influence a person’s case.

If evidence is gathered illegally, it might be thrown out of consideration
in court. Although examining evidence is only one part of defending a
fraud case in New Jersey, it is extremely important to make sure police
don’t overstep their bounds. An experienced criminal defense attorney
can help those accused of a crime understand their rights and work through
the legal process.

Source: Patch, “2 N.J. Men Charged In Credit Card Fraud Incident At Mall,”
William Demarest, June 14, 2012


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