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NJ Prostitution Charges


Prostitution is defined as engaging in sexual activity for money or other forms of payment. The crime can be charged as felonies, and depending on the circumstances, may be punished severely. If convicted, individuals could face jail time, fines, and a criminal record. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you fight the charges and protect your rights.

Understanding Prostitution

Prostitution, an ancient practice often found in urban centers around the world, is defined as a sexual exchange (of money, goods or favors) meant to benefit at least one of those involved. In New Jersey, those who engage in prostitution may face criminal charges.

These can range from petty disorderly persons offenses to crimes of the second and third degree, depending on the severity of the case. Prostitution charges carry significant fines, jail time, and collateral consequences that may impact a person’s civil rights. For example, those accused of a crime may temporarily or permanently lose their right to bear arms.

First-Degree Charges

If a person is found guilty of a first-degree promoting prostitution offense, the potential punishments can be severe. According to criminal law, first-degree promotions of prostitution are defined as arranging or controlling prostitution, owning or managing a brothel, financial transactions from the receipt of prostitution money or payments for it, and compelling another person to become a prostitute against their will.

Punishments could include up to five years in prison and hefty fines up to $25,000. Prosecution procedures could also involve asset forfeiture if money has been obtained through illicit activities related to prostitution charges. Although legal proceedings may vary by jurisdiction, it is critical for individuals facing charges to get proper legal advice right away and access an advocate who can represent them.

Second-Degree Charges

Soliciting or selling prostitution in the second degree, as defined by law, involves intentionally coercing or causing a person to become a prostitute or remain in a state of prostitution. This type of offense happens when someone knowingly makes money or profits from promoting prostitution. The potential penalties for being convicted of second-degree promoting prostitution can range from lengthy prison sentences and fines to probation and mandatory participation in educational programs.

In some cases, judges can also issue an order prohibiting the person from having any contact with people involved in prostitution activities. It is important for those accused of such an offense to understand the exact nature of their charges and take all available measures to protect themselves and their future.

Third-Degree Charges

Prostitution in the third degree may involve cases where an individual intentionally advances, profits from, or facilitates a sexual transaction. In many states, such offenses include procuring, attempting to procure and keeping a house of prostitution for purposes of promoting prostitution. Depending on the jurisdiction, violators may be charged with either misdemeanor or felony charges.

Penalties upon conviction can range from fines and probation to costly court fees and lengthy terms in state prison. Furthermore, property used in the offense may be seized and individuals should also expect heavy collateral consequences that could affect their reputation.

Why You Need an Attorney

Prostitution charges are serious and often come with harsh consequences. If you have been accused of prostitution you must contact an attorney as soon as possible. A lawyer can build a case with your best interests in mind and provide legal and emotional support.

Contact Law Offices of Joseph R. Donahue, LLC today for more information.


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Bergen County Criminal Defense Attorney | Law Offices of Joseph R. Donahue, LLC